
Monday, April 11, 2011

Of life..

Tiba-tiba rasa semak kepala.. sesak nafas.. serba tak kena.. huhu.. sorang undergo operation mc 2 week.. boss plak wife dah almost due bersalin.. padan lah muka aku mengadap sorang2.. huu.. jangan panik yee.. bawak bertenang.. hope evrything goes fine ok..

Dan juga tiba-tiba rasa muak, mual, nak muntah, marah, sakit mata mengadap suratkhabar + berita tv lately.. macam dah takde modal lain.. lagi2 video.. sikit2 video.. satu malaysia dah tau la.. tak yah la ulang2 cerita yang sama. Tak pernah sokong mana2 pon.. pada aku, ISLAM is the way of life.. be it parti A or parti B or even parti C.. as long as follow hukum ALLAH.. aku sokong.. Cuma, aku cukup jelak dengan berita dlm media cetak + eletronik nowadays.. macam haram!!

Aku ada anak2 yg sedang membesar.. cukup benci bila mereka didedahkan dengan berita2 sampah ni setiap hari..

Sarah loves reading newspaper.. belilah paper apa sekalipon.. she enjoys reading every single pages.. sampai bole lupa breakfast mandi n such.. panggil pon dah tak dengar.. punya la khusyuk..

Indirectly, she's exposed to these kind of stories.. which i dont think its good for a standard 5 girl like her.. Seriously i hate to accept the fact that she's reading all those scrap.. sigh..


Monday, June 21, 2010

Adda's first words @ 11 months..

Bertemankan mickey mouse on playhouse disney channel, pagi tadi sebelom pegi keje, aku susukan adda sambil layan dia sembang babytalk. Dah puas dia minum, adda pon bangun duduk atas riba sambil cakap 'Dahh..' Ahaha.. comelnya budak bulat ni..

Semalam, masa imran main hotwheel depan tv, adda pon datang menyibuk sama.. abang imran bagi 2 biji kereta kat adik.. pastu adda tepuk tangan sambil cakap 'Yeyy..' pandai anak mama.. :)

Cepat betul budak2 ni membesar.. how time flies.. pejam celik.. dah 10 tahun aku bergelar mama.. hehe.. Syukur..


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm Back..

Lama betol tak masuk sini.. Dah bersawang pon.. Huhu..
Tadek citer menarik ahh.. See ya later.. ;).


Friday, July 18, 2008


30th June - Received offer letter from the mgmt. Been offered to work in TM HQ, starting 1st July. But, more or less, its not an offer, its a mgmt direction.. paksa rela? sucks..
1st July - Still in Cyber office. Hardly trying to appeal for remaining in tmnet. GM was very helpful, he's ok with my decision. But HR was so arrogant, esp CZ. Sombong giler. Ingat ofis ni mak pak hang punya kaa? i was very.. very.. pissed off. I didnt give up.. came down to see him again but he's not around. Luckily, i met CL.. chit chat for about 20 min.. and felt so relieved. Thanks for the advise, thoughts, suggestion and idea. Balik umah, discussed wth hubby.. consider this and that.. and soon after, i knew that.. a decision that i was going to make.. is the best ever for me.. no turning back.. never.. All the best to myself.. ;)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Vocab for Imran @ 2yrs 5mth

imran & sarah

mama : pin..
imran : pin..

mama : tu..
imran : tu..

mama : pin..tu..
imran : tin..pu..

mama : huahahahhahhahaha....
imran : *grin* (apa kena la mak aku ni??)

Friday, October 05, 2007

Still Nurin..

What is wrong with our pak polisi?
Why does it take so long to retrieve the sim card?
Why cant you guys just take it out immediately after the lahanat being arrested?
Why must wait for it to come out from her system naturally?
Why must wait for this and that?
Wtf man..

I still didn’t get it! Serius! *sigh

Mentang-mentang le Bro Jazimin tu cuma taxi driver, korang take easy je.
Cuba anak somebody, vvip ker.. kan main kalut lagi.

Friday, September 21, 2007


Just cant describe how disturbed i am. Aku sedih, marah, bengang, sakit hati bila dapat tau.. dead body in the bag is Nurin Jazlin! confirmed by the matched DNA. Sedihnya.. rasa nak menjerittt! Laju je air mata ni keluar.. buat keje pon tak concentrate.. rasa sedih dan marah yg teramatt!

Aku mohon pada mu Ya Allah.. agar si pembunuh dapat di tangkap secepat mungkin, dan dibawa ke muka pengadilan. Biar satu dunia tau..

If i could , i wud like the killer to experience the same way, exactly the same as what he did to arwah Nurin. Let him suffer.. biar dia rasa..!

Aku tak rasa binatang sanggup dera anak/budak seteruk ini. Binatang buas pon tangkap mangsa utk makan.. bukan dera! Manusia jenis apa ni? Arghhh..

Btw, Takziah buat keluarga adik Nurin Jazlin.

Pengajaran buat aku, pelihara lah amanah Allah iaitu anak2 dgn sebaiknya. Jgn terlepas pandang / ambil remeh perihal aktiviti mereka. Sekarang ni, nak lepas anak main basikal depan porch pon dah tak berani, unless aku terpacak sekali kat pintu gate.

To the killer/ maniac/ psychotic out there.. beware! What goes around comes around yaa.. walau terlepas kat dunia, hukum Allah setia menanti.. :)
