30th June - Received offer letter from the mgmt. Been offered to work in TM HQ, starting 1st July. But, more or less, its not an offer, its a mgmt direction.. paksa rela? sucks..
1st July - Still in Cyber office. Hardly trying to appeal for remaining in tmnet. GM was very helpful, he's ok with my decision. But HR was so arrogant, esp CZ. Sombong giler. Ingat ofis ni mak pak hang punya kaa? i was very.. very.. pissed off. I didnt give up.. came down to see him again but he's not around. Luckily, i met CL.. chit chat for about 20 min.. and felt so relieved. Thanks for the advise, thoughts, suggestion and idea. Balik umah, discussed wth hubby.. consider this and that.. and soon after, i knew that.. a decision that i was going to make.. is the best ever for me.. no turning back.. never.. All the best to myself.. ;)